It is a front for a fledgling empire in its death throes to dominate a vital region for energy and global dominance in the coming future. This isn’t just an educated guess. Richard Cheney was on record saying this before he became VP and was CEO at Haliburton. It was Dick who said in 1999:
“the Middle East with two thirds of the world’s oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies, even though companies are anxious for greater access there, progress continues to be slow”So we picked up progress. Even thou we are facing a decay infrastructure and crumbling and exploding entitlement programs that are facing insolvency. But then again, perpetual war and debt are probably our leading service export, so in some ways we did what we were good at. The reality is our priorities are so twisted and we are so much in debt we have a hard time seeing the difference between in and whats out. Illegal aliens kill soo many more American each year then terrorists yet we do nothing about our borders while spending a fortune defending the borders across the globe. Its nation where heart disease kills half a million, yet our programs to defend from this killer dwarfs in comparison to the “War on Terror”. Coincidence? I think not.
In fact CIA Director Leon Panetta, said recently that he thought we were facing about 75-100 Al Qaeda members. No shit. A nine year war costing over a trillion dollars and counting (and im being generous) not to mention countless deaths of our own boys and girls to fight what would be best described as a mid level street gang… in Omaha. The Mission to take out the Taliban in Afghanistan was a relatively short one. We met the objective and could have been out of there, but we went looking for boogie men. We started the nation building. And here we are, still fighting and creating enemies. We are still bogged down with ridiculous rules of engagements and strategies that look to be coming from a 14 year old kid with a mic playing call of duty and sipping mountain dew in his mother’s basement. The opium production there has went through the roof etc etc etc... etc....etc.
And then we get this. Jihad Monkey!

The first paragraph reads, and I kid you not:
"Taliban terrorists have a secret weapon to destroy the infidel American enemy — monkey marksmen. According to The People’s Daily in China, the Taliban in Afghanistan is “training monkeys to use weapons to attack American troops"I rest my case.