Sunday, April 2, 2017

Tiger moms & the cannibalisation of 3rd wave feminism

So a friend of mine sent me an article the other day with a gotcha headline of:


Frightening, right? I mean to the casual observer this sounds unjust. Fortunately, we have Antifas around to take up causes and fight for the “marginalized” amongst us. Now, add that to a cocktail of Americans who a majority (60%) only read headlines; it’s little wonder why we have such a dumbed down, pussy-whipped society full of Social Justice Warriors.
The article in question is only three paragraphs long. It provides no evidence of anything regarding a wage gap. There is no statistics. Just three different years. Seriously. There is this nugget:
Some problem you have here women, isn’t it? Living longer and all the while making less? Freeloaders.
We have all heard the numbers. White women make .77 cents on the dollar. Black women make 65 cents and Hispanic women make .55 cents on the “man”s dollar. Funny, how these studies always leave out Asian women. Maybe Asian women don’t fit the “People Of Color” narrative. Which, by the way, is one of the most “racist” types of groupings and microaggressions possible. What, minority populations are just all the same? Seems like their race doesn’t deserve to be identified? Maybe the bourgeoisie just can’t find the time, with all their protesting and gaslighting the logic of M.A.G.A? Or maybe they just don’t have room in the People Of Color inn? I’m seriously stumped. I know Asians tend to be small, I’ll give you that (Alabama black snake anyone). However, something is amiss.
Could it be them little itty bitty Asians don’t fit their emotional and flawed narrative?
Asians, specifically Asian women here, are to the pay gap mythology what Salman Rushdie is to the Islamic mythology. No, Asian women are not illiterate-thieving-child raping-war lords. Like Rushdie, who grew up Islamic, only to be the subject of a Fatwa for calling Islam what it is: satanic. Asian women are educated and paid just about dollar for dollar in what white men (87%) are paid. As the seer suckered suit clothed prophet once said: “Asians are kicking our ass”. And that is why they are never included in any of the feminist written oblations.

Image result for pay gap white black and hispanic

Right now, there is someone out there thinking “87% is not a dollar, we still have 13% to go” but that’s not the case. First of all, Asian women tend to be split into two specific groups: highly educated = highly paid versus not educated = service industry jobs. Thus the service industry jobs drag down wages vs the educated wages in an aggregate. Think of the monopoly they possess as nail technicians. And no, that’s not “racist” all you social justice “warriors” those are called facts; as of 2007
Hell, Asian American women-owned businesses are up 150% since 1997 folks. That’s called winning. Most of all, if there was any anti-feminism sexism in America it would be those dirty, evil Asian men. This is because unlike white men (87 cents on the dollar) Asian women only make 79% of their racial counterparts wages. Where’s that outrage? But when you consider the education is pretty simple:

Race and Ethnicity chart 2
The smarter or more educated you are…. the more money you make. It’s an investment. This is not a particularly hard concept. But that’s the point. It’s not about logic or making sense, its perpetual victim mentality. It’s a power grab. It’s almost hostage like. This is and will always be about culture. Asians pride themselves on scholastics. They hire tutors and expect their kids to graduate college in the same way many minorities hope their kids graduate high school. Thus these are the results you have:
And in defense of white women, they dominate every female professional field. It’s not like they are just handing out these jobs to people with no degree last time I checked. While Asain women graduate college more so than white women they are only 6% of the population. White women are still the largest demographic in the country. Hence that’s a lot of college-educated white women. Here are some examples of occupation and race from the BLS website for 2016. If you go through the jobs (and there is plenty of other examples there that prove my point) you will see it’s not sexism or racism, rather its education and culture:

OccupationTotal Work ForceWomenBlackAsianHispanic
Healthcare practitioners and technical occupations8,96075.611.89.67.8
Education, training, and library occupations8,94873.1104.710
Professional and related occupations34,498579.89.29
Management, professional, and related occupations59,43851.
Service occupations26,81156.616.85.523.9
Sales and office occupations33,53961.
Office and administrative support occupations17,69172.114.14.715.6
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations5,80440.114.62.938.2
Do you really want to change this? Taking from the “man” or marching around DC with pussy’s on your heads won’t do it. Get out there and make a difference. Volunteer in these minorities communities. Become a big sister. Do something besides constantly self-indulging in your bitter, self-righteous-perpetual-laziness. Yes, I’m talking to you, white guilt ridden feminists. You don’t care about these people really – you just want to wage war on the patriarch. These “People Of Color” are nothing to you but meatshields for your power thirsty agenda. Or you could do what’s right; pack this thing back up & lets put the genie back in the bottle. Rebuild the middle class in terms of numbers, (un)suppress male wages and get back to making nuclear families great again. Or to put it bluntly… get back in the damn kitchen for the good of everyone.

Proud of your boyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Monday, March 20, 2017

The modern day Pied Piper: pope Francis

If there was ever a time for spiritual guidance it would appear there is no time like the present. I know its {current year} status here but it's true. The polarization of almost everything is putting strains on all relationships and none more so than the nuclear family. If anyone can appreciate this and understand the severity this is to us all it is surely the holy father. Surely, the pope and his infinite wisdom see's what is happening? Maybe he doesn't? Hes after all just a man. Or, maybe he does and is complicit?

First things first, if you're a Christian, you don't need any middleman or ‘papacy’ to communicate with Yahweh or God. In fact, I would say putting a ‘man’ above all other men is kind of what Jesus came here to free us from in the first place. No false idols or false priests. The relationship with Jesus Christ as a Christian is one that is personal and solitary. No good deeds or others blessings will curry you favor with your maker. Only God knows your heart. Martin Luther made this point some 500 odd years ago.

It was THAT Reformation that made the United States possible. It was 1300 years roughly from the starting point of Christianity and Catholicism; interestingly enough, around the same timeline we are in now in terms of years from the beginning of Islam. And while a reformation is badly needed in Islam its evident we won't see one anytime soon if at all.

Islam is spreading. From nation state to nation state across Europe like cancer in a host who refuses to use chemo, The West, is being eaten alive by its own self-indulgent apathy. But who is to blame?

The Obama administration, the same one who refused to call it “Radical Islam” when in fact it wasn't even that. It's just “Islam” doing “Islam”. Although that's another story for another day. But it was this mutt of a president and his nefarious Joseph Goebbels-like clone in Hillary Clinton, who took full advantage of Islamic migration via the Arab spring uprisings. 'Take advantage of ' is rather ambiguous how about they breathed the first puffs of breath into the lungs of those uprisings? Surely the previous administration, the deep state and the global liberal agenda’s running interference inside democratically elected and/or secular nation states resulting in mass destabilization of the Middle East is purely coincidental.

With the elite political and power brokers on board for the chaos that only leaves one entity left; Christianity.

And nobody exemplifies (deservedly or not) Christianity than the pope. The new cool hip pope.

Let me be perfectly blunt. Fuck this pope. So much so, I didn't even bother to capitalize his name/title.

This pope officially crossed the Rubicon two years ago when he allowed a Muslim to PREY inside the Vatican. Of course, this is all in the plan to bring into action cool-hip pope's desire to “re-create a desire, a possibility” of eventually relaunching the Middle East’s stalled peace process. Peace in the Middle East? Rightttt. Ever since then it's been all downhill for this charlatan. Just consider these quotes over the last year or so:

On Islamic Terrorism...

“I do not like to talk about Islamic violence because every day when I skim the papers … I read about violence in Italy: this one who killed the girlfriend, another killed the mother-in-law … and they are all baptized Catholics. If I talk about Islamic violence, then I also have to talk about Catholic violence. Not all Muslims are violent, just like not all Catholics are violent”

No cool, liberal pope - these things are like comparing apples to flip-flops. Muslims who commit terrorism are doing so in the name of Allah. Christians who kill their mother in law I assure you 99.999% of the time are not doing so in the name of Jesus. Islamic people committing such acts are not even in the wrong according to their book. As I have stated before, 500 passages of government rule and judicial guidelines straight out of Barbarism 101. A Christian in that 00.001 percentile? There is no justification in the New Testament, therefore it's a user error. And I Denounce ANY idiot that does so. Give them the harshest penalty possible. There'll be no shelter or absolution for a user error. See how easy that is mythical-moderate-Muslims? What's the matter, cat got your tongue? Or does your book not allow it?

On Charlie Hedbo...

"It's normal, it's normal. One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people's faith, one cannot make fun of faith."

Yes, you can. Freedom of speech includes hate speech. We are The West and if The West is truly The Best then all speech is admissible. If it's something someone disagrees with - then it should be met with a sharp and poignant response, not fear or terrorist acts. We will win on ideas. We don't need to cuck to the masses. We, the West, set the tone for the world; not the other way around.

Then there is the cool-rad-pope hinting at the salvation of atheists saying how we (Christians):

 "were a little intolerant” and continued: "Father, the atheists?' Even the atheists. Everyone!" We must meet one another doing good. 'But I don't believe, Father, I am an atheist!' But do good: we will meet one another there."

Maybe things get lost in translation but an atheist or a “believer” doing good deeds won't get you “there”. I'm obviously 100% for atheists doing good. I'm not a professional theist and it's not my place to judge anyone but this message is a muddled one. It's ambiguous at best and at worst it's akin to a used car salesman on December 31st.

How about the pope’s distaste for the very fuel that built the world's first middle class and continues to drive Western Culture… capitalism.

I saved the best for last. Only a week after our Emperor was anointed by God himself with the help of Pepe memes and logical Americans, the pope put Brexit, Trump and the MAGA movement on blast:

"how quickly those among us with the status of a stranger, an immigrant or a refugee become a threat, take on the status of an enemy... an enemy because they come from a distant country or have different customs. An enemy because of the color of their skin, their language or their social class. An enemy because they think differently or even have a different faith, how many wounds grow deeper due to this epidemic of animosity and violence, which leaves its mark on the flesh of many of the defenseless, because their voice is weak and silenced by this pathology of indifference...”

You see, it's not the messages from the pope soaked in ambiguity that bothers me. Nor is it the head scratching interpretation of the holy books. I wouldn't even say it's the cover-ups and payoffs in all the debauchery associated with the Church and all the mass and expansive kid fucking/raping; although that is certainly right up there. It's not even about his projecting onto others what he does not suffer from. Like telling us to give just a liiiiiiiiittle bit more (while he sits in a city built out of gold… literally). It is the agenda. Or as Joe Biden eloquently called it in his last trip to Davos:

“It will occur again, I promise you, and again the purpose is clear: to collapse the liberal international order.”

Excuse me… the ‘order’. This pope is on record opposed to nationalism and to the self-determination it espouses and with that, the subsequent protection of his own subjects in various countries from raiding - warped - inbred - idealogs hell bent on their destruction. So much so he lets an Imam reading from the very playbook of that destruction read in THE(?) holy grounds. It's this cucked indifference that opens pandoras box for everything I have listed. This liberal order of the new hip-cool-LIBERAL pope and his church that makes this possible.

Now let me read something to you. Allow me to dovetail this to Biden in his speech from Davos just a few months ago but this time from Steve Bannon addressing.... The Vatican in 2014

The central thing that binds that all together is a center-right populist movement of really the middle class, the working men and women in the world who are just tired of being dictated to by what we call the party of Davos.

I don't know much latin but I do know this: "alea iacta est"—the die is cast.

We fucking won. The man from Davos is dead. Your move globalists. MAGA and Proud Of Your Boy