Now what happened in that case with Martin and Zimmerman is
still pending, so for me to comment would be unfair. I have made comments
before regarding this matter and after I took a step back and looked at it from a wide vantage point; I find it’s just not
logical to continue to do so until after the case has been closed. With that
said, there is no denying people who are profiteers off of segregation have
taken the opportunity to do so.
Released in a 4-page resolution this week, sponsored by CBC
Chairman Emmanuel Cleaver, the CBC backed resolution calls to address the controversial
“stand your ground” law and in that report is also states that Zimmerman used
“unfounded assumptions and racial bias led to the use of deadly force.”
Just one problem Mr Cleaver. We have no basis or evidence that there was racial bias
involved. CNN has corrected their version where they had Zimmerman saying
“coon” on the 9-11 tapes to now “cold” and NBC blames a terrible edit which made
Zimmerman look racist. Other then those now corrected errors, how can we draw an
“assumption” or conclude there was “racial bias” involved in this case? How can Zimmerman be
described as a racist? We can’t. Being that as it may be, that doesn’t stop
members from an organization who lines their pockets via race card games, people who are elected many times due to their race, from using this to maximize political capital.
Let’s just pretend that this racial segregation in the form of representative caucuses is acceptable for a moment. Would it not be
understandable to expect elected representatives to at least be representing
the views of the dominant ethnicity of their district? Take for example; Maxine
Waters, who represents the 35th district of California. Only 35% of
her constituency is black, 47% of it is Hispanic. Why isn’t she in the Hispanic
caucus? Or what about Keith Ellison, who has 73% of his district identifying themselves
as White?
Out of 40 members that make up the CBC, thirteen of them are
representing districts that are not predominantly black. These districts show
African Americans being a minority demographic, and in some cases behind both
White and Hispanic populations. Yet you have politicians being elected to serve
a minority demographic first and foremost, despite the fact that it took the
votes from other larger racial demographics to get them elected in the first
The most audacious however and symbolic of this utter hypocrisy, is the Chairman of the CBC, Emmanuel Cleaver who sponsored this resolution.
Mr Cleaver who has sixty-nine percent of his district being white is rushing to
judgment to label this man a racist, even thou there is not information to
conclude Zimmerman was what he was being accused of. Again, 69% of Mr Cleavers district is white. Yet
he is chair of the Congressional “Black” Caucus, elected out of Missouri and condemning a some random Joe six-pack in Florida, some 1,200
miles away of being... racist?
Mr Zimmerman may or may not be a lot of things. Does he appear
to be a creepy guy, a wannabe cop, and reckless… obviously. A murderer? It
appears so, but again, the case is still pending. But, a racist? The evidence
to this point states he is not and unless there is something totally unforeseen,
it appears he is not a guy using “racial bias”.
Even if CNN and NBC corrected
themselves and that may have led some to believe he was a racist, I don’t see
anyone from the CBC pulling back their slenderest remarks or resolutions. Ironically,
the only thing we can absolutely derive from this event is that the
Congressional Black Caucus is build upon segregation, intimidation, collectivism
and racism. If anyone should be condemned for relying on "unfounded assumptions", its the CBC. If anyone is guilty of “racial bias” it’s the Congressional Black